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“Learning with Node-RED and Grafana has been both fun and easy to follow. With engaging instructors and hands-on practice, mastering complex concepts becomes an enjoyable journey, making this platform the ultimate destination for seamless learning.”

Available Anywhere


“Accessible anytime, anywhere. With Node-RED and Grafana, learning isn’t confined to a classroom. This platform empowers me to expand my skills on the go, ensuring I’m always equipped for success, no matter where I am.”

Human Reviews


“Human reviews tell the story. Empowered by Node-RED and Grafana, I’ve not only learned but excelled, with glowing reviews from peers and mentors alike. This platform fosters a community where knowledge transforms into real-world achievements.”

Real-Work Results

“Real-world results speak volumes. With the practical skills gained here, powered by tools like Node-RED and Grafana, I’ve seamlessly transitioned from learning to impactful work, delivering tangible outcomes that drive success.”

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Trending Tutorials

Grafana : Basic to Advance

Trainer: Pranjal Singh

Grafana is an open-source analytics and visualization platform used to monitor and analyze data from multiple sources, presenting insights through customizable dashboards and graphs.

Node-RED : Basic to Advance

Trainer: Pranjal Singh

Node-RED is a visual programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services. It simplifies IoT application development through drag-and-drop functionality and flow-based programming.

AI/IOT Based Solution - Products and Services

Service Provider : Rahul Singh

AI simulates human intelligence in machines. IoT connects devices to exchange data. Integration enhances efficiency, productivity, and decision-making across industries.

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Thanks to the resources here, I’ve independently mastered front-end development and delved into back-end programming, bolstered by Node-RED and Grafana. With the guidance of exceptional instructors, learning became not just informative but also captivating, leading to valuable job opportunities. This platform truly excels as a comprehensive learning hub!

Pranjal Singh

node-red and grafana expert

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